Today we reach half a second (which seems little) for our mobile users. The other advantage of the shorter wavelengths of mm-Wave Technology is that antennas used to transmit and receive signals can be significantly reduced. This means that phones using mm-Wave Technology could benefit from multiple antennas for different millimeter wavebands in a single device: thus, the available network would be more efficient, and the internet connection much faster when multiple users would be connected. But tomorrow, some technologies will require a faster response time. For example, half a second of latency for the millions of connected cars that will circulate is far too long. To avoid any accident, it would take a latency of less than one millisecond. Today, the data transmission delay in 4G + approaches 10 milliseconds. In 5G technology , this could be reduced to less than a millisecond. When it comes to a vehicle to avoid a road accident or a robot to carry out surgery remotely, these...