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Showing posts from December, 2019

Detailed info about big data

However, and despite the many technological tools that exist today to make the work of the Human Resources area more efficient, the most important thing is to determine  how all this information can help them make decisions? Despite being a tool that can solve many problems in everyday life, Excel is not suitable because it does not support the amount of data required. The real truth about Big Data can be quite overwhelming, because in a fairly simple but not wrong way we can say that it basically controls our lives. Everything around us is where it is or is in such a way because someone has previously thought about it and is not a matter of chance. From aspects that may seem ridiculous such as the color of advertising signs to the price or time of launch of new products , they are absolutely key when determining the final benefits. Therefore, more and more companies that collect even the smallest data on their movements and situations. The essence of Big Data does not lie i...

what to know more about concept of Big Data

The concept of Big Data has been around for a long time, but, in the last decade, it has become one of the most popular phrases in the business world. Companies & colleges like hkbk group of institutions have always collected a large amount of data because information is essential for entrepreneurs to know and understand the performance of their companies, the behavior of their consumers and current market conditions. However, for the insurance industry, they have a very important meaning and are part of strategies focused on helping our clients, and therefore our business.     The concept of Big Data is closely related to the notion of digitization; without digitalization , it would be impossible to take advantage of Big Data. The digital transformation requires a digitalization of the productive, financial and commercial processes, since the cornerstone of this is digital information. Just collecting information will not produce any positive impact. To benefit fro...

know more detailed information of Big Data Technology

Big Hadoop is the main framework used for processing and storing big data sets - Big Data. In most cases, when someone talks about Hadoop, they are referring to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), a distributed file system designed to store very large files and run on low-cost standard hardware. One of its most striking features of HDFS is that it allows applications to work with thousands of clustered nodes. Initially inspired by Map Reduce and Google’s, Apache Hadoop is Open-Source Java-based software maintained by the Apache Foundation. A platform is capable of large-scale storage and processing of big data sets - Big Data, which works on low-cost, fault-tolerant hardware clusters. Some of the reasons for using Hadoop are its “ability to store, manage and analyze large amounts of structured and unstructured data quickly, reliably, flexibly and at low cost. Get Hands-on experience of the technology from the Big Data training institute in Bangalore specialists. Scalabil...