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Showing posts from January, 2020

What are the Best programming languages to Know?

There are many programming languages but you should know that some have more opportunities than others when looking for a job. Here we tell you what are the best programming languages ​​you should have in your resume so you never miss work. According to Python training in Bangalore , Python is definitely where you need to start. Not because it is intrinsically better than others but because the scientific community that has been built around this language is quite large. The reason is simple, Python provides an interpreted programming language, which abstracts many of the complexities of lower-level languages ​​(such as C or C ++) and also provides a platform that can be easily integrated with other programs , written in other programming languages. According to Python training in Bangalore, A multi platform and multi-platform programming language, which is also general purpose? This means that it supports object orientation, imperative and functional programming. Its simplici...