Many people do not even think about what substances their body receives daily along with drinking water, and even the World Health Organization warns that most are caused by the low quality of drinking water. Sooner or later, many agree with her opinion and begin to seriously think about what kind of water they drink. The result of these considerations is usually either the order of bottled water or the installation of a modern water purification system and filters.
Everyone who cares about their health and the health of their loved ones should seriously consider purchasing a water treatment system. Filters for water have long and firmly entered our lives, and some do not already imagine a situation in which they would abandon these devices, realizing that this is not the last thing in every house thing, because it directly affects their health.
Classification of household water filters has about a dozen different cleaning systems, but filters of the reverse osmosis system are considered the most modern and popular in the price/quality ratio.
To choose the suitable cleaning device for your needs, it is first necessary to understand what a reverse osmosis filter is and how it works.
Reverse Osmosis Filter for Home
Reverse osmosis is the process by which fluid under pressure passes through a membrane that only transmits water molecules and does not pass other substances.
The purification system with reverse osmosis was widely used in the 70s of the 20th century and is still used today. Among the areas of its application can be identified such as cleansing sea water and getting it from drinking water, obtaining especially purified water for medical use and many others.
Of course, the technologies do not stand still and since then, reverse osmosis filters have not only produced much higher quality water at the output but also decreased in size so that from the purely industrial equipment they became quite a household appliance that without problems can be installed in an apartment.
The water purification system with the reverse osmosis filter, according to the manufacturers, removes up to 99.9% of harmful impurities from the water and enriches it with oxygen. Any filter water bottle that you can buy in stores or order at home also undergoes mandatory cleaning through filters of this type.
Modern cleaning filters are compact enough to fit without any problems under any kitchen sink. The approximate principle of the connected filter and its main components can be seen in the picture below.
The operation of the reverse osmosis filter connected to the sink
In general, the whole process of water treatment can be divided into 4 main stages.
Preliminary cleaning of tap water.
Treatment of water by passing water through the filter membrane under pressure.
Accumulation of purified water in a special tank until it is filled, after which the supply is automatically switched off.
Supply clean drinking water in a separate tap.
All water-polluting substances that have been filtered out because of cleaning are automatically transferred to the drains.
In terms of money, the price of one liter of water purified by a filter, considering its cost, maintenance, and depreciation, is still several tens of times less than the price of a liter of bottled water, and the quality of water remains the same.
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