Water is essential for human lives and one of the major
source which can make us more hydrated, during and after physical activity.
Good hydration is important for good brain functioning. Brain cells, with
proper hydration, receive oxygenated blood, and the brain is alert. It is
essential for the proper functioning of the kidneys, helping them to eliminate
unnecessary residues and nutrients. Improves digestion, since water is
necessary for the dissolution of nutrients, so they can be absorbed by the
Water causes the skin to be radiant. Helps to keep it
elastic and toned. It is a good lubricant for muscles and joints. Helps to
protect the joints, and makes the muscles work properly. It reduces the chances
of getting sick. Drinking 5 or more glasses of water a day improves our immune
system, thus reinforcing the natural denseness of the body. Healthier skin. Many
of the functions that our body performs would not be possible without water! It
helps us prevent cardiovascular diseases, acidity, arthritis, back pain,
migraines and muscle cramps (especially if we practice sports) and improve
circulation of the blood, maintain an optimal functioning of the immune system
and debug our body.
Therefore, the first step to having a healthy body is to
stay hydrated! As you know, we need to see about 2 litres of water a day to
maintain proper hydration levels. Do not wait to have thirst! The sensation of
lack of water appears when we need 1% of this fluid in the body. Many water
filtration systems organisations, hydros water bottle came into the picture for
better water filtration at homes, offices with its portable water filter bottles.
These modern water filter bottles are made with pure coconut carbon material
and BPA-free.
It seems small, but if we lose 2%, we will notice problems
in our performance and resistance. About 5% will begin to be dangerous for our
body: our heart rate will accelerate, and we may have spasms and vomiting.
Drinking water often repairs the tissues of the skin and increases its
elasticity. Increase concentration capability. Dehydration causes a headache,
tiredness and therefore deconcentrating.it is advisible to get the water from these modern water filter bottle which can help us for being more hydrated while we dehydrated.
The brain is formed mainly of water if we drink water, we
are feeding it. It regulates body temperature and eliminates toxins from vital
organs. It helps digestion and prevents constipation, as it increases metabolicactivity. So, drinking water while eating is a good advice, water helps to
better dissipate food and digestion is lighter. In addition, it allows the
correct absorption of essential nutrients.
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